Hewlett Package Enterprise | ComnetCo White Paper

Can Machines Think?

Cognitive Powers — AI and Supercomputing Are Driving a New Era of Discovery and Innovation

From modeling inner space—like vaccine molecules docking with the COVID-19 virus—to artificial intelligence serving researchers and explorers in outer space. Discover the latest ways AI powered by HPC and supercomputing is benefitting humankind.

Read the white paper to learn:

  • How one of the world’s premier experts defines AI
  • Breakthrough applications of AI in edge computing—and even the extreme edge like HPC running AI on the International Space Station
  • Innovative applications, such as hospitals training machine learning models and sharing insights over a blockchain—without compromising patient private data
  • How the HPE Cray EX Frontier supercomputer at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility has led American researchers Into Exascale